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Blog - The Rise of Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) in the Era of Hybrid Working

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As organisations adapt to the new normal of hybrid working, where employees seamlessly switch between working in the office and remotely, the demand for robust security measures has never been more critical. With the increase in cyber threats and the need to protect sensitive data, organisations have turned to Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) as a reliable solution. In this blog post, we will explore why the use of ZTNA has seen a significant surge since the move to hybrid working and why it is crucial for ensuring the security of an organization's data.

  1. The Evolving Workforce Landscape:

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote working, making it an integral part of modern work culture. Organisations have realised the benefits of a flexible work environment, improved employee productivity, and reduced operational costs. However, this shift has also introduced new security challenges. With company resources now spread across Cloud SaaS platforms, Public Cloud and on-prem datacenters - and employees accessing those resources from various locations and devices, traditional network security approaches are no longer sufficient.

  1. Understanding Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA):

ZTNA is an advanced security framework that operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify." Unlike traditional network security models that rely on perimeter-based defences, ZTNA assumes that every user and device is untrusted, regardless of their location or network. It enforces strict access controls and verifies user identity, device integrity, and security posture before granting access to resources.

  1. Enhanced Data Security:

The hybrid working model brings an increased risk of data breaches, as employees access sensitive information from potentially insecure networks. ZTNA helps address this concern by implementing granular access controls, ensuring that only authorised users can access specific resources from authorised devices. By adopting a zero-trust approach, organisations can minimise the attack surface, reducing the risk of data exfiltration and unauthorized access.

  1. Improved Endpoint Security:

With employees using personal devices and accessing company resources remotely, endpoint security becomes paramount. ZTNA employs multi-factor authentication (MFA) and device posture assessment to ensure that only trusted and secure devices are granted access. This protects against compromised devices and mitigates the risk of malware infections or data leakage.

  1. Simplified Management and Compliance:

ZTNA solutions provide centralised control and visibility over user access, making it easier for IT teams to manage and enforce security policies. Additionally, ZTNA helps organisations meet compliance requirements by providing detailed audit logs and access reports, ensuring accountability and facilitating regulatory compliance.


With hybrid working firmly situated as the new norm, organisations must prioritise the security of their data and resources. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) offers a robust and effective solution to mitigate the risks associated with remote access and untrusted networks. By implementing ZTNA, organisations can enhance data security, fortify their network perimeter, and ensure that only authorised users can access critical resources. As the use of ZTNA continues to increase, businesses can embrace the benefits of hybrid working without compromising on security.